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Ccmenu cocos2dx

#Ccmenu cocos2dx series

This is because I am trying to future proof this series as much as possible.

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What Version are you using?Īt the point I am writing this, I am using Version 3.3beta 0 to create tutorials, and as new versions are released I will try to stay with the most recent version. This is by no means a negative, but we aware sometimes language can be a bit of a barrier when looking for help and reading documentation. Cocos2D-x is extremely popular in China for example. One final important thing to realize with Cocos2d-x, a number of the most active developers behind the project are not primarily English speakers. More often than not, it’s Cocos2D’s history that provides the reason. You will run into some concepts and think “why the hell did they do this?”. Each language and platform has had an effect on the development of Cocos2d-x, for better or worse. Well, it’s important that you be aware that Cocos2d-x is a port of an Objective-C library which itself was a port of a Python library. Along the way a number of tools were developed as well, including an editor named CocosStudio (itself the spawn of a number of child projects ) and CocosCodeIDE and IDE for Lua and JavaScript scripting in Cocos2d-x. Cocos2d-x itself also spawned a number of ports, including HTML and XNA. One of those ports was of course Cocos2d-x, which was a port of Cocos2D to C++, the subject of our tutorial here. Now we hit the fast forward button on history and see that Cocos2d is ported to a number of platforms. A number of Cocos2d-iphone developed apps started appearing on the iPhone, including StickWars, which hit number 1 on the App Store. Then came along this little phone named the iPhone, and a version of Cocos2D was ported to ObjectiveC for use on iOS, the aptly named cocos2d-iphone. As you may be able to guess from the fact it was started by a bunch of Python developers, Cocos started off being written in Python. It started from a gathering of Python developers in, you guessed it, Los Cocos. Way back in 2008, Cocos came to be, named after the town of Los Cocos, Argentina, in case you were wondering where exactly the name came from. I promise you, this will be the only history lesson in this entire series! Unless of course I do more of them… If you want a more thorough history, you can always check out the wiki. Cocos2D HistoryĪs I mentioned earlier, the history of Cocos2D is fairly important to understanding how it works, so we are going to start of with a quick, hopefully not-boring, history lesson.

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This particular part covers the process of getting Cocos2d-x installed, creating an initial project and looks at a bare bones Hello World example. This series will walk through the all aspects of using Cocos2d-x to create a game. The history of Cocos2D-x is actually very important, as it factored in many of the design decisions that the library has taken. Previous versions enabled you to target even more targets including Blackberry and Tizen.

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Using the most recent version of Cocos2D-x you can target Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. Cocos2d-x is a cross platform, C++ based port of the popular Cocos2D ObjectiveC game development library. Welcome to the Cocos2d-x tutorial series.

Ccmenu cocos2dx